博客來精選推薦I Grew My Boobs in China
I Grew My Boobs in China
I Grew My Boobs in China 評價
像這本 I Grew My Boobs in China
就是我在研讀書籍~ 主因當然是因為類別喜歡啦~
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I Grew My Boobs in China
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Sihpromatum (Sip-row-may-tum) is a memoir series of one family’s incredible four-year, 80 country backpacking adventure. The first installment, I Grew My Boobs in China, takes the reader through China and Mongolia.In 2005, 14-year-old Savannah Grace’s perfect world is shattered when her mother unexpectedly announces that she, her mother (45), brother (25) and sister (17) would soon embark on a trip around the world. This is a tale of feminine maturation – of Savannah’s metamorphosis from ingénue to woman-of-the-world. Nibbling roasted duck tongues in China and being stranded in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert are just two experiences that contribute to Savannah’s exploration of new cultures and to the process of adapting to the world around her.www.sihpromatum.com
- 作者: Grace, Savannah
- 原文出版社:Createspace Independent Pub
- 出版日期:2012/09/04
- 語言:英文
I Grew My Boobs in China